Asset Management Software: 25 Best Picks to Boost Your Tracking in 2024

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    Asset management software is essential for efficiently tracking your company's assets. The market for asset management systems is booming and is expected to grow to $27 billion by 2025. According to research, improved asset visibility can help companies save up to 30% on operational costs. 

    In this article, we’ll explore 25 of the best asset management software options to help you improve your tracking in 2024.


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    What is Asset Management Software?

    Asset management software enables you to monitor every asset's lifecycle, from the moment an asset joins your team to the time it's retired. Detailed insights such as procurement details, maintenance records, location tracking, and responsibility assignments are just some of its benefits. 

    Why Is Using Asset Management Software Important?

    Asset management software brings a sense of control and clarity. It helps you avert the chaos of lost or mismanaged assets while ensuring regulatory compliance and accurate financial forecasting. It guides you through efficient acquisition, operational excellence, and strategic maintenance, all while saving you money and extending the ROI of your assets.

    Types of Asset Management Software

    Understanding the different types of asset management software can help you choose the best one for your needs. Here are some common types to consider.

    Digital Asset Management Software

    Digital Asset Management (DAM) software specializes in storing, organizing, and retrieving digital assets. It is perfectly suited for creative organizations and departments that regularly deal with large volumes of digital content.

    DAM provides a centralized repository for photos, videos, audio files, and documents, making them searchable and accessible. It’s especially useful where branding, media, and content production are frequent, allowing for quick sharing, precise version control, and streamlined team collaboration.

    Key benefits include secure asset sharing with stakeholders, simplistic metadata tagging for easy searchability, and robust publishing options. However, users should be aware that DAMs may come with a learning curve and ongoing management to ensure efficient use. 

    Fixed Asset Management Software

    Fixed Asset Management (FAM) software is the best choice when dealing with physical, tangible assets like machinery, buildings, and equipment. It monitors the lifecycle of your fixed assets, from purchase to retirement. FAM calculates depreciation, manages tax implications, and assists with financial reporting.

    Automating many of these processes minimizes human error and ensures you get the most financial mileage out of each asset. The downside might be that it can be complex, given the nature of the financial data involved, and may require specialized knowledge to operate effectively. 

    Enterprise Asset Management Software

    Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) software is designed for large organizations. It handles all types of assets across multiple locations and departments with high complexity and breadth.

    EAM software tracks asset maintenance and lifecycle and integrates with other systems, such as inventory, procurement, and human resources, to offer a comprehensive overview of the organization’s assets.

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    IT Asset Management Software

    IT Asset Management (ITAM) software is the go-to tool for businesses looking to manage their technology resources effectively. It offers a comprehensive solution for tracking software licenses, hardware devices, and associated IT services. 

    ITAM software monitors asset health, ensuring software compliance and optimizing the IT environment to avoid unnecessary expenditures.

    Real Estate Asset Management Software

    Real Estate Asset Management Software is indispensable for property managers and real estate professionals who need to oversee vast portfolios of properties efficiently. This specialized software tracks occupancy rates, collects rent, manages maintenance requests, and streamlines financial operations, from expense tracking to profitability analysis.

    Types of Asset Management Software

    Benefits of Asset Management Software

    Using asset management software offers several advantages that can help improve efficiency and organization. Here are some key benefits to consider.

    Improved Asset Tracking

    Improved asset tracking provides a comprehensive view of every item in your arsenal, whether scattered across different locations or under your roof. This feature usually comes equipped with barcode or QR code scanning, making the process of checking in and out assets smooth.

    With improved asset tracking, you always know where your assets are, who's using them, and their maintenance history. This can significantly reduce the time spent searching for assets. Eliminating the error-prone ways of the past, like manual logs or spread-out spreadsheets, saves time, reduces losses from theft or misplacement, and optimizes asset utilization. 

    Real-Time Monitoring of All Physical Assets

    Asset management software harnesses the power of sensors and the Internet to provide up-to-the-second updates on location, condition, and usage. This helps you monitor your assets’ performance and respond instantly to any issues. 

    With these capabilities, you can also better allocate resources, plan maintenance, and manage inventory with precision. Real-time monitoring can make a big difference for businesses that rely on the smooth operation of machinery, vehicles, or equipment. 

    Simplified Asset Location

    Simplified asset location pinpoints an asset's exact whereabouts in real-time, so you're never left wondering where something is. Gone are the days of rifling through cabinets or checking different sites to find a piece of equipment. Now, you can simply pull up a map or a list on your device. This functionality reduces lost time and helps optimize asset usage and rotation. 

    Removal of Ghost Assets

    Ghost assets are assets listed on your books that cannot be physically accounted for. Asset management software diligently tracks each asset's existence and status, making it easy to identify and eliminate these phantom entries. This feature can help prevent costly inaccuracies in financial reporting and ensure you're not paying unnecessary taxes or insurance on assets you no longer possess. 

    Ghost assets can be a significant burden, whether lost, stolen, or simply disposed of without proper documentation. Asset management software ensures that your asset inventory reflects reality, giving you peace of mind.

    Proactive Equipment Condition Monitoring

    With asset management software, you actively monitor the equipment's health and performance, ready to act at the first sign of a problem. This can mean monitoring for abnormal vibrations, temperature fluctuations, or even tracking usage hours to anticipate when maintenance will be needed.

    This approach can save your business significant amounts of time and money. Maintenance can be scheduled during off-peak times to minimize operational disruption. Addressing small issues before they escalate into major ones can help expand the lifespan of your equipment. 

    Understanding the workings of your equipment will help you increase efficiency and ensure that your equipment is always running at peak performance.


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    Better Customer Support

    Better customer support helps you link support tickets directly to the assets they pertain to. Your customers experience seamless service because your team has immediate access to all the relevant asset details right when needed.

    With this level of transparency and efficiency, your business solves problems faster and builds stronger customer relationships.

    Improved Asset Lifecycle Management

    Improved asset lifecycle management helps you get more value from your assets from the moment they're acquired to their retirement or replacement. Asset management software provides the essential tools to manage, monitor, and maximize the lifespan and performance of your assets.

    Data Access Anytime, Anywhere

    Asset management software is cloud-based, allowing you to tap into your asset database whether you're on the manufacturing floor, in your home office, or traveling to a business conference.

    Removal of Manual Processes

    Removing manual processes revolutionizes how you handle daily operations. The software automates the tedious, error-prone tasks that come with manual record-keeping.  

    Improved Maintenance Planning

    Asset management software informs you when each asset needs attention and provides the most efficient way to handle it. This meticulous planning tool extends the life of your assets, optimizes their performance, and saves your bottom line from unexpected maintenance costs.

    Benefits of Asset Management Software-Recovered

    25 Best Asset Management Software Solutions for 2024

    Here is a list of the 25 best asset management software solutions for 2024 that will help you efficiently manage your assets and improve productivity.

    1. Kohezion

    Kohezion the best asset management software

    Kohezion is an online database software for businesses looking for a customizable and user-friendly asset management solution. It stands out for its ability to craft tailor-made applications without a single line of code.

    Top 5 Features:

    1. Drag-and-drop application builder for creating custom asset-tracking apps.
    2. Advanced search and filter options for fast retrieval of asset information.
    3. Integrated scheduling functionality for maintenance and other asset-related activities.
    4. Robust reporting capabilities that allow you to generate detailed insights on the fly.
    5. A secure cloud-based platform ensures that data is accessible and protected 24/7.

    Five Benefits:

    1. Increased productivity thanks to a system that's customized to fit unique business processes.
    2. Flexibility and scalability that grow with your business as its assets expand.
    3. Zero need for technical expertise due to the software's no-code environment.
    4. Streamlined data management, enabling better decision-making.
    5. Peace of mind with secure data hosting and regular backups.

    Two Cons:

    1. Initial time investment is needed to set up and customize applications for specific needs.
    2. Dependence on an internet connection to access the cloud-based system.

    Best For:

    Start-ups, small to medium-sized businesses, or organizations looking to implement an asset management solution that can be customized to their specific requirements without extensive IT resources.

    2. Asset Panda

    asset panda asset management platform

    Asset Panda offers a high degree of customization and mobile capabilities that ensure you can access your data anytime. It’s a great choice for those eager to fine-tune their asset tracking to their needs.

    Top 5 Features:

    1. Highly customizable interfaces, fields, and reports tailored to unique business processes.
    2. Mobile app compatibility, providing access to asset data from any location.
    3. Barcode/QR code scanning for quick asset check-in/check-out processes.
    4. Integration capabilities with existing systems to streamline workflows.
    5. Cloud-based tracking that keeps all asset information current and secure.

    Five Benefits:

    1. Tailored asset tracking improves usability and relevance to specific business workflows.
    2. A robust mobile app fosters efficient remote asset management.
    3. Real-time data updates facilitate immediate and accurate asset status checks.
    4. Scalable for both small businesses and large enterprises, adapting to different demands.
    5. Strong customer service support to help users maximize the system's features.

    Two Cons:

    1. The vast array of customization options can be daunting for new users or those with straightforward needs.
    2. Some businesses might find the pricing model less competitive for smaller-scale applications.

    Best For:

    Businesses that demand robust customization to fit unique asset management needs. It is particularly useful for organizations that manage diverse assets and require mobile access.

    3. IBM Maximo

    ibm maximo cloud based erp solution

    IBM Maximo offers a cloud-based solution suitable for large enterprises with complex needs. It focuses on maximizing asset lifespan and optimizing operational efficiency.

    Top 5 Features:

    1. Advanced predictive maintenance utilizing AI to head off issues before they arise.
    2. Comprehensive asset lifecycle management, from acquisition to disposal.
    3. Real-time monitoring of asset health and performance across different locations.
    4. Robust work order management to streamline maintenance procedures.
    5. Extensive integration capabilities with other enterprise systems and IoT devices.

    Five Benefits:

    1. AI-driven insights and predictive maintenance increase uptime and reduce maintenance costs.
    2. Full visibility into asset usage and performance, aiding in strategic decision-making.
    3. Compliance and risk management support by ensuring assets meet industry and regulatory standards.
    4. Improved user experience with a state-of-the-art interface and mobile capabilities.
    5. Superior scalability, capable of supporting the needs of global enterprises.

    Two Cons:

    1. The advanced features may present a steep learning curve for some organizations.
    2. The investment cost could be higher than other solutions, especially for small to mid-sized businesses.

    Best For:

    Large enterprises that need a robust and scalable solution to manage complex assets distributed across multiple locations. It’s especially suitable for industries like manufacturing, utilities, transportation, and energy. 

    4. Manage Engine Asset Explorer

    manageengine assetexplorer comprehensive tool for managing assets

    ManageEngine AssetExplorer stands out with its comprehensive approach to maintaining, tracking, and managing assets throughout their lifecycle. Known for its ease of setup and detailed inventory capabilities, AssetExplorer simplifies asset management, making it accessible to businesses of all sizes.

    Top 5 Features:

    1. Comprehensive IT asset inventory management for hardware and software across the company.
    2. Automated asset discovery to keep your inventory up-to-date with minimal effort.
    3. Software license management that helps avoid non-compliance and audit risks.
    4. Detailed reporting and analytics that deliver critical insights into IT asset performance.
    5. Robust contract management to stay on top of vendor agreements and expirations.

    Five Benefits:

    1. Less guesswork with auto-discovery of new devices and software across the network.
    2. Managing software licenses and avoiding unnecessary purchases or penalties leads to better financial control.
    3. Streamlined asset management processes, saving time and increasing productivity.
    4. Improved planning capabilities with insightful reports on asset utilization and lifecycle.
    5. Decreased operational risks with effective tracking of warranties and contracts.

    Two Cons:

    1. Although user-friendly, some may find the extensive features overwhelming to learn initially.
    2. Offers a wealth of features that smaller businesses might not fully utilize, leading to underutilization of the software.

    Best For:

    IT-focused businesses looking for a robust and detailed IT asset management solution. ManageEngine AssetExplorer is particularly well-suited for organizations that want comprehensive IT assets and software compliance oversight.

    5. Oracle Asset Management

    oracle asset management robust erp solution

    Oracle Asset Management offers robust and integrated solutions for enterprises focused on maximizing asset value and performance. Its seamless integration with other Oracle products and ability to handle complex financial structures make it a top choice for organizations that require a comprehensive and scalable asset management suite.

    Top 5 Features:

    1. Integrative financial management tools to streamline asset accounting and reduce total ownership costs.
    2. Flexible and easy customization to meet the specific needs of organizations.
    3. Strategic maintenance planning features help prevent equipment failure and extend asset longevity.
    4. Robust work order management for efficient coordination of repair and maintenance tasks.
    5. Comprehensive lifecycle management covering acquisition, maintenance, and disposal.

    Five Benefits:

    1. Improved financial oversight with accurate tracking of asset costs and depreciation.
    2. Proactive maintenance and asset lifecycle management reduce operational risks.
    3. Seamless integration with other Oracle applications, offering a unified business solution.
    4. Intuitive user interface facilitating user adoption and productivity.
    5. Scalability that meets the demands of vast, asset-heavy businesses globally.

    Two Cons:

    1. The sophistication of the system may require a steeper learning curve for users.
    2. As a heavy-duty enterprise solution, it could be more costly and resource-intensive for smaller businesses.

    Best For:

    Large organizations that need a feature-rich asset management system that can integrate seamlessly with the extensive suite of Oracle enterprise applications. It is particularly suitable for asset-intensive industries like manufacturing, construction, and logistics. 

    6. WorkTrek

    work trek cloud platform for asset management

    WorkTrek offers a pragmatic and efficient asset management software solution. Its user-friendly design and intuitive interface allow for easy adoption and quick implementation across different industries.

    Top 5 Features:

    1. Simple and agile asset tracking to minimize time spent on inventory management.
    2. A flexible, web-based platform for managing assets anytime, from anywhere.
    3. Maintenance scheduling features are used to keep assets in prime condition proactively.
    4. Custom reporting tools that provide actionable insights and aid in decision-making.
    5. Scalability options to grow alongside the evolving needs of your business.

    Five Benefits:

    1. Quick deployment and ease of use lead to a smoother transition from traditional tracking methods.
    2. Increased operational efficiency with reliable scheduling and reminder systems for asset maintenance.
    3. Improved asset utilization and performance due to effective life cycle management.
    4. Data-driven reports on asset health and inventory levels improve decision-making.
    5. Cost-effective asset management solution that offers a solid return on investment.

    Two Cons:

    1. Some businesses may require more advanced features that are not provided by WorkTrek.
    2. Dependent on internet connectivity, as WorkTrek's platform is web-based.

    Best For:

    Smaller to mid-sized businesses are looking for a solution combining ease of use with essential asset management capabilities. It is also a good choice for businesses in the early stages of implementing asset management systems.

    7. MMSOFT Pulsway

    mmsoft pulseway remote monitoring and management software

    MMSOFT Pulseway is a great option for businesses that require a hands-on approach to managing their IT assets on the go. Known for its strong mobile management capabilities, Pulseway is for IT administrators who need to monitor, manage, and respond to IT issues from anywhere, at any time.

    Top 5 Features:

    1. Real-time monitoring and alerts that keep you informed about the status of your systems.
    2. A comprehensive feature-rich mobile app that allows full control from your smartphone.
    3. Automated workflow capabilities to streamline IT tasks and responses.
    4. Remote desktop feature empowering you to support users without being on-site.
    5. Customizable reports that provide insights into your IT environment's health and performance.

    Five Benefits:

    1. Immediate response to IT issues, minimizing downtime and maintaining productivity.
    2. Improved asset management with extensive monitoring features right from your mobile device.
    3. Automation of regular IT tasks reduces the need for manual intervention. 
    4. Time saved with the ability to remotely diagnose and address IT issues quickly.
    5. Cost-effective IT management tool, especially for tracking up to 500 assets.

    Two Cons:

    1. The scope of features and alerts might be overwhelming for small businesses or less complex IT environments.
    2. Relatively higher costs for smaller companies with limited assets to manage.

    Best For:

    Medium to large organizations looking for an all-encompassing, mobile-first IT asset management solution. Ideal for those who prioritize being able to take immediate action no matter where they are.

    8. Fiix

    fiix it assets management and maintenance software

    Fiix by Rockwell Automation is renowned for simplifying maintenance operations in real time. It provides an insightful look at asset and equipment information, streamlining asset monitoring and management.

    Top 5 Features:

    1. User-friendly interface that allows for simple viewing and analysis of asset information.
    2. Work order management to ensure maintenance tasks are efficiently organized and executed.
    3. Asset tracking for an up-to-date understanding of asset condition and location.
    4. Preventive maintenance scheduling that helps avoid expensive downtime and repairs.
    5. Inventory tracking features that maintain optimal levels of parts and supplies.

    Five Benefits:

    1. Seamless integration with other business systems, improving operational visibility.
    2. Real-time data leads to quicker, more informed maintenance decisions.
    3. Diligent preventive maintenance improves asset uptime and longevity.
    4. Reduction in maintenance costs with effective scheduling and inventory control.
    5. Access to analytics that aid in future asset investment and management strategies.

    Two Cons:

    1. May require a cultural shift within the organization to maximize utilization.
    2. The initial setup and migration from an existing system can be time-consuming.

    Best For:

    Businesses seeking a comprehensive and integrated maintenance management experience. It is ideal for manufacturing, facilities, and fleet management sectors where asset maintenance is crucial for day-to-day operations.

    9. GoCodes

    gocodes physical asset management software

    GoCodes simplifies the process of managing physical assets with the convenience of QR code technology. Despite its ease of use and straightforward implementation, it's an affordable, user-friendly system that doesn't skimp on features.

    Top 5 Features:

    1. Patented QR code tags that can be scanned using just a smartphone.
    2. Real-time GPS tracking which records the location each time an asset is scanned.
    3. A cloud-based inventory system accessible from any device with an internet connection.
    4. Check-in/check-out capabilities that make managing asset circulation hassle-free.
    5. Low-quantity alerts and automatic overdue reminders for consumable tracking and asset return.

    Five Benefits:

    1. Rapid deployment and user adoption thanks to intuitive design and smartphone scanning.
    2. Improved accountability with a clear audit trail of who has which assets and where they're located.
    3. Inexpensive, making it accessible even for smaller businesses looking to improve asset management.
    4. Asset tagging and scanning help mitigate the risk of loss or theft.
    5. Efficient inventory management for tools, equipment, and consumables, with critical alerts for restocking.

    Two Cons:

    1. It may not cater to the needs of organizations seeking to manage digital assets.
    2. Businesses with a vast number of small assets might find individual tagging tedious.

    Best For:

    Construction companies and other businesses that need a straightforward, mobile solution for tracking tools and equipment in different locations. GoCodes is particularly suitable for organizations that want a cost-effective, QR code-based asset management solution.

    10. eMaint

    emaint a computerized maintenance management system

    eMaint, a Fluke company product, is known for its robust functionality as a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS). It’s designed to help organizations of all sizes manage their maintenance operations, extend asset life, and improve reliability.

    Top 5 Features:

    1. Streamlined work order management to efficiently handle maintenance requests.
    2. Predictive maintenance capabilities, using condition monitoring for preemptive action.
    3. Asset hierarchy organization for a clear view of all equipment and their relationships.
    4. Scheduling tools for preventive maintenance to improve asset longevity and performance.
    5. Robust inventory management that ensures parts and supplies are always on hand.

    Five Benefits:

    1. A customizable dashboard that offers instant visibility into your most crucial maintenance metrics.
    2. Greater control over assets, leading to reduced downtime and repair costs.
    3. Improved compliance with industry standards and safety regulations.
    4. Data-driven maintenance decisions thanks to comprehensive reporting and analytics.
    5. Scalability that ensures the software grows alongside your maintenance needs.

    Two Cons:

    1. The depth and breadth of features can present a steep learning curve for new users.
    2. Customization options, while ample, might require expert assistance to implement effectively.

    Best For:

    Organizations looking for a solid software solution to improve maintenance strategies and manage assets reliably. It’s especially suitable for industries such as manufacturing, facilities, and fleet management,

    11. Ivanti

    inavti comprehensive suite for it asset management

    Ivanti offers a comprehensive suite for IT asset management, focusing on maximizing asset utilization and streamlining associated processes. It is known for its feature-rich platform with customization options for reporting and managing IT assets.

    Top 5 Features:

    1. Automated discovery of IT assets to keep inventory effortlessly updated.
    2. Centralized license management to ensure software compliance and avoid fines.
    3. Customizable dashboard and reporting tools catered to different stakeholder needs.
    4. A configuration management database (CMDB) helps associate assets with business services.
    5. Service management integration that streamlines IT support and asset management.

    Five Benefits:

    1. Robust tracking and management of IT assets from a singular platform.
    2. Detailed and configurable reporting that aids in strategic IT decision-making.
    3. Comprehensive overview of software licenses, reducing financial and legal risk.
    4. Aligning asset data with IT support processes improves service delivery.
    5. Potential increase in return on investment through effective asset lifecycle management.

    Two Cons:

    1. The extensive range of features may be overwhelming for smaller teams or simpler IT infrastructures.
    2. Implementation and full utilization can be complex and require specialized knowledge or training.

    Best For:

    Medium and large enterprises with a comprehensive IT infrastructure and are looking for an all-in-one solution to manage IT asset lifecycles. Ivanti is especially valuable for organizations that need to maintain control over software licensing and IT service management.

    12. Flexera

    flexera asset management software for it asset optimization

    Flexera is an asset management software designed to help businesses track and optimize their IT assets. 

    Top 5 Features:

    1. Comprehensive asset discovery.
    2. Software license management.
    3. IT asset tracking.
    4. Detailed reporting.
    5. Cloud cost management.


    1. Reduces IT costs.
    2. Improves compliance.
    3. Offers detailed insights.
    4. Supports multi-cloud environments.
    5. Automates asset management processes.


    1. Can be expensive.
    2. Steep learning curve for new users.

    Best For:

    Large organizations that need to manage a complex IT infrastructure and optimize software licensing across multiple platforms.

    13. CHEQROOM

    cheqroom equipment tracking software solution

    CHEQROOM is tailored for equipment tracking. It is popular among businesses that manage AV equipment, cameras, laptops, and other check-out items. With its intuitive interface and visual asset management approach, CHEQROOM makes it simple to monitor your valuable equipment.

    Top 5 Features:

    1. Visual asset tracking with photographs of equipment for easy identification.
    2. QR code tagging and scanning for a straightforward check-in/check-out process.
    3. A reservation system is used to schedule and reserve equipment in advance.
    4. Maintenance tracking to log repairs and keep equipment in fighting shape.
    5. Mobile app for managing assets on the go, improving flexibility for staff and users.

    Five Benefits:

    1. Decreased equipment loss and mishandling due to clear, visual asset tracking.
    2. Simplified booking and availability checks prevent scheduling conflicts.
    3. Better maintenance oversight leads to less downtime and reliable equipment performance.
    4. Improved accountability with detailed logs of who's using equipment and where it's going.
    5. Efficient asset management is accessible directly from a smartphone, saving time for on-the-move teams.

    Two Cons:

    1. Requires consistent tagging and scanning discipline to maintain an accurate system.
    2. May be overly specialized for businesses requiring broader asset management solutions.

    Best For:

    Businesses that regularly loan out gear and want an efficient system to streamline equipment circulation, minimize loss, and maintain accountability. This includes educational institutions, production companies, and event organizers. 

    14. EZOfficeInventory

    ezofficeinventory asset management and tracking software

    EZOfficeInventory is great for businesses seeking a system that simplifies the complexities of tracking a wide array of assets. Its user-friendly interface and robust tracking capabilities make it a top choice for those who want efficient asset management without a steep learning curve.

    Top 5 Features:

    1. Barcode and QR code scanning using mobile apps for easy asset documentation and retrieval.
    2. GPS tracking to locate assets and manage asset recovery efficiently.
    3. Scheduled maintenance and service ticket management to prevent equipment downtime.
    4. Custom reporting tools to analyze asset utilization and optimize procurement.
    5. Integration with RFID technology for even more sophisticated asset tracking and management.

    Five Benefits:

    1. Accessibility and ease of use save time and reduce the training required for staff.
    2. Real-time location tracking improves asset utilization and reduces misplacement.
    3. Proactive maintenance features extend the lifespan of crucial equipment.
    4. Customizable reports offer actionable insights for informed decision-making.
    5. Scalability to fit the growing needs of businesses, both large and small.

    Two Cons:

    1. Initial asset setup and tagging can be resource-intensive, especially for large inventories.
    2. Some users report that the API can be complex.

    Best For:

    Businesses that require a straightforward yet powerful tool to manage their IT assets, office equipment, or any physical assets.

    15. RASTRAC

    rastrac gps based asset tracking and management software solution

    RASTRAC is a GPS-based asset tracking and management software solution. It’s ideal for businesses that actively manage fleets, vessel tracking, or any mobile assets. RASTRAC focuses on real-time location tracking and efficient fleet management, ensuring businesses stay on top of their movable assets.

    Top 5 Features:

    1. GPS asset tracking provides real-time location data and historical tracking.
    2. Geofencing capabilities to alert you when assets enter or leave designated areas.
    3. Customizable reporting for insights into asset usage and operational efficiency.
    4. Maintenance tracking to schedule and monitor vehicle and equipment care.
    5. Fleet dashboards that give a consolidated view of all asset statuses and locations.

    Five Benefits:

    1. Improved operational oversight with live monitoring of all mobile assets.
    2. Geofencing function for improved security and loss prevention.
    3. Optimized vehicle and asset utilization, leading to cost savings and increased productivity.
    4. Proactive maintenance and alerts minimize asset downtime and extend lifespan.
    5. Data-rich reports assist in informed decision-making and strategic planning.

    Two Cons:

    1. As a specialized GPS tracking system, it might offer more functionality than needed for businesses without mobile assets.
    2. The depth of tracking and data available can necessitate dedicated staff to manage and analyze information effectively.

    Best For:

    Organizations that require hands-on fleet management and mobile asset tracking. It’s ideal for the logistics and transport sectors, construction companies, and any business that wants a robust solution for supervising asset movement in real-time.

    16. AssetCloud

    assetcloud asset tracking system

    AssetCloud by Wasp Barcode is used by industry giants like IBM and Mercedes Benz. It streamlines the process of tracking both software and fixed assets. It includes a work order and maintenance system that enables assigning tasks to multiple individuals. This feature is especially handy when managing a fleet of identical assets as it reduces the need to generate separate work orders for each one. 

    Top 5 Features:

    1. Multi-quantity asset tracking to monitor groups of identical assets.
    2. Option to choose between cloud-hosted or self-hosted configurations.
    3. Work order management system streamlining maintenance assignments.
    4. Supports the purchase of additional items like label printers, tags, and scanners.
    5. Extensive integration options, including popular platforms like HubSpot and Slack.

    Five Benefits:

    1. Simplifies the tracking and managing of assets, saving time and reducing errors.
    2. Flexibility to tailor the deployment model to your business needs.
    3. Optimizes maintenance workflows and ensures your assets are well-kept.
    4. Streamlines the entire process from purchasing to tracking to maintenance.
    5. Improves fixed asset management with scalable tagging and scanning options.

    Two Cons:

    1. Users have reported occasional bugs with the cloud-based version.
    2. Some users find the interface complex to navigate initially.

    Best For:

    Organizations that require a robust asset tracking and management system. AssetCloud is particularly well-suited to those managing numerous identical assets and looking for a system that supports the entire asset management lifecycle.

    17. AssetTiger

    asset tiger asset management tool

    AssetTiger offers a free, fully functional asset management program for up to 250 assets. It’s a perfect choice for small to medium-sized businesses looking for a cost-effective way to organize their resources. It has a user-friendly platform with robust features and a dedicated support team.

    Top 5 Features:

    1. AI-driven insights for intelligent, autonomous decision-making support.
    2. Ability to extend the lifespan of assets with effective maintenance scheduling.
    3. Set up user-based permissions for differentiated access and control.
    4. A mobile app that turns any smartphone into a digital asset scanner.
    5. User-friendly interface that eases the check-in and check-out process of assets.

    Five Benefits:

    1. Offering its services at no charge for a substantial number of assets, which is especially beneficial for small businesses.
    2. Helps facilitate a longer life for assets, stretching value from your investments.
    3. Customizable asset management with controlled user access to secure your data.
    4. Quick and straightforward asset auditing with mobile capability.
    5. An intuitive system that absorbs new users without steep learning curves.

    Two Cons:

    1. The number of available integrations is limited, possibly restricting more extensive, complex applications.
    2. Over 250 assets, some may find the premium paid options less competitive.

    Best For:

    AssetTiger is best suited for small—to medium-sized businesses looking for an accessible, affordable entry point into asset management. It's also great for any organization looking to digitize asset management.

    18. TrackAbout

    trackabout returnable asset tracking system

    TrackAbout tracks returnable assets like cylinders, containers, and rental equipment. Its cloud-based system is designed to help businesses streamline their asset-tracking processes, improve customer service, and save money.

    Top 5 Features:

    1. Mobile scanning of barcodes and RFID tags for easy tracking of assets.
    2. Rental and lease management functionalities to keep on top of your customer agreements.
    3. Maintenance tracking to ensure assets are always in top condition.
    4. Delivery and route tracking that gives you eyes on your assets until they reach their destination.
    5. Comprehensive analytical reports for asset utilization and logistics.

    Five Benefits:

    1. Ensures accurate, real-time data on the whereabouts and status of your assets.
    2. Streamlines the rental and return process, saving time for both staff and customers.
    3. Preventative maintenance scheduling reduces the risk of asset failure and repair costs.
    4. Enables better planning and logistics with clear visibility on distribution and delivery.
    5. Offers actionable insights into asset data, empowering strategic business decisions.

    Two Cons:

    1. Focused on returnable assets, which may be too niche for businesses requiring broader asset management capabilities.
    2. Some users may require training to fully optimize the use of mobile scanning technologies.

    Best For:

    Enterprises that revolve around the use of returnable assets like gas bottle distributors and medical equipment rentals. It’s also a good choice for businesses with a significant number of movable containers that seek a specialized asset management solution.

    19. Asset Infinity

    asset infinity cloud based solution for tracking and managing assets

    Asset Infinity is a premier cloud-based asset management and tracking solution known for its ability to manage assets' entire lifecycle. With its agile capabilities, including powerful analytics and preventive maintenance, Asset Infinity ensures assets continue to contribute value throughout their operational life.

    Top 5 Features:

    1. Lifecycle tracking to record every stage of an asset's existence, providing valuable historical data.
    2. Scheduled maintenance and notifications to avoid unexpected failures of critical equipment.
    3. Procurement and vendor management that streamline purchasing and maintaining vendor relationships.
    4. Barcodes, QR codes, and RFID tags for comprehensive asset tracking.
    5. Customizable dashboards that provide insights tailored to unique business requirements.

    Five Benefits:

    1. Robust lifecycle management supports effective long-term asset planning and replacement strategies.
    2. Automated maintenance reduces the likelihood of costly downtime and extends asset life.
    3. Improved procurement processes help negotiate better terms and keep costs in check.
    4. Superior asset tracking accuracy and simplicity result in better inventory management.
    5. Actionable data insights aid in the continuous improvement of asset performance.

    Two Cons:

    1. The broad array of features may require a dedicated manager to fully capitalize on all functions.
    2. While cloud-based, some businesses may be hesitant about the requisite ongoing subscription costs.

    Best For:

    Organizations of all sizes looking for a detailed, analytics-driven asset management system that provides end-to-end lifecycle support.

    20. Infor EAM

    infor eam enterprise solution for asset performance optimization

    Infor EAM offers an enterprise-grade solution to optimize assets' performance and extend their useful life. It is recognized for its deep industry-specific functionalities, which cater to manufacturing, healthcare, the public sector, and energy.

    Top 5 Features:

    1. A holistic view of all assets across facilities, service areas, or business units.
    2. Energy performance management to track and reduce energy consumption and costs.
    3. Predictive and preventive maintenance capabilities to ensure the reliability and longevity of assets.
    4. A mobile-first approach allows maintenance and asset management to be on the go.
    5. Compliance management features to meet industry standards and regulations.

    Five Benefits:

    1. Comprehensive asset management leads to improved equipment reliability and decreased downtime.
    2. Detailed energy tracking supports cost reduction and sustainability efforts.
    3. Strategic maintenance planning extends asset life and improves asset performance.
    4. Improved mobility allows for better workforce efficiency and data accuracy.
    5. Robust compliance tools reduce the risk of penalties and ensure operational integrity.

    Two Cons:

    1. The broad scope and depth of the software may present a steep learning curve for new users.
    2. Its comprehensive suite of features could represent a significant investment, potentially out of reach for smaller enterprises.

    Best For:

    Larger organizations and enterprises with complex asset management needs that span different sectors. It is particularly ideal for those where compliance, sustainability, and energy management are as critical as operational efficiency.

    21. MPulse

    mpulse cmms software

    MPulse Software provides easy-to-use CMMS for businesses that aim to improve their maintenance operations, extend the life of their assets, and reduce operational costs.

    Top 5 Features:

    1. Flexible and scalable service offerings, from basic needs to advanced maintenance functions.
    2. Predictive and preventive maintenance planning for minimizing asset downtime.
    3. Inventory management feature to keep up with spare parts and supplies.
    4. A comprehensive work order management system is needed to streamline repair processes.
    5. Mobile CMMS access allows for management and updates from any location.

    Five Benefits:

    1. Adjusts to your company’s growth and evolving maintenance requirements.
    2. Focus on preventive maintenance helps avoid expensive emergency repairs.
    3. Streamlined inventory control reduces unnecessary costs and keeps maintenance running smoothly.
    4. Efficient scheduling of work orders ensures that maintenance tasks are completed on time.
    5. It increases productivity with access to the CMMS at any time and anywhere.

    Two Cons:

    1. Initial implementation and training can be involved, requiring time investment from staff.
    2. The advanced capabilities might be more than required for small shops or businesses with simple needs.

    Best For:

    Organizations looking to improve their preventive maintenance strategies and take a proactive rather than reactive approach to asset management.

    22. Freshservice

     freshservice it asset management platform

    Freshservice is one of the leading IT asset management (ITAM) platforms. It helps CTOs control their IT assets, including hardware, software, and fixed assets like vehicles and machines. It’s known for being one of the easiest platforms to use for tracking software, SaaS, computers, and devices and maintaining them with minimal effort.

    Top 5 Features:

    1. Automated reminders for proactive maintenance scheduling.
    2. Asset lifecycle improvement.
    3. Forecasting future maintenance and costs.
    4. Inventory and purchase order management.
    5. Relationship mapping.


    1. Mobile app for barcodes or QR code scanning.
    2. User-friendly platform.
    3. Efficient customer support.
    4. Extensive integration options.
    5. Robust reporting capabilities.


    1. API can be a bit complicated.
    2. Can be pricey for smaller businesses.

    Best For:

    Businesses that need a straightforward, efficient way to manage and maintain their IT assets, improve asset life cycles, and manage expenses effectively.

    23. ManagerPlus

    managerplus asset management system with digital approach

    ManagerPlus by iOFFICE stands out for its comprehensive digital approach to asset management. Recognized for its customizability, ManagerPlus turns the daunting asset management task into a more manageable venture.

    Top 5 Features:

    1. Maintenance scheduling that ensures regular inspections and reduces asset downtime.
    2. Facility and fixed asset management to track the condition and use of physical assets.
    3. EAM maintenance and repair for an all-encompassing management process.
    4. Comprehensive tracking and reporting tools for deep insights into asset performance.
    5. Seamless third-party integrations that improve functionality and user experience.

    Five Benefits:

    1. Consistent, scheduled maintenance for improved asset reliability.
    2. Improved operational efficiency with centralized tracking of all maintenance activities.
    3. Preventing unexpected repairs and maximizing asset lifespan reduces costs.
    4. A customizable platform that adapts to the unique workflow and reporting needs.
    5. Real-time insights into asset utilization result in data-driven decision-making.

    Two Cons:

    1. The initial setup can be complex, requiring dedicated time and resources.
    2. Pricing may be considered steep, especially for small businesses with tight budgets.

    Best For:

    Medium to larger businesses in sectors such as manufacturing, facilities management, and transportation, where maintaining a large number of physical assets is important.

    24. Hippo CMMS

    hippo cmms system

    Hippo CMMS is a user-friendly platform that delivers maintenance management solutions. It's known for its simple yet powerful interface, which allows efficient tracking of maintenance, equipment, and inventory control.

    Top 5 Features:

    1. Intuitive graphical user interface with a clean, easy-to-navigate dashboard.
    2. Work order management to streamline maintenance requests and tracking.
    3. Preventive maintenance scheduling to keep assets in peak condition.
    4. Powerful reporting capabilities for asset performance analysis and decision-making.
    5. Mobile accessibility allows maintenance management on the go.

    Five Benefits:

    1. Simplified user experience for quick adoption and minimized training time.
    2. Improved operational efficiency from easily managed maintenance routines.
    3. Decreased downtime with proactive and scheduled preventive care for assets.
    4. Insights into maintenance trends and asset lifecycle costs support strategic planning.
    5. Accessibility from any device ensures that on-site and remote teams stay coordinated.

    Two Cons:

    1. Some businesses may find the tool's features less suited for industry-specific needs.
    2. The mobile app, while convenient, may not offer all the functionalities available on the desktop version.

    Best For:

    Small to mid-sized businesses or those transitioning from manual to automated maintenance management systems. It is also a fantastic option for facilities needing a straightforward approach to maintenance and asset tracking.

    25. UpKeep

    upkeep mobile first maintenance and asset management solution

    UpKeep is a modern, mobile-first maintenance and asset management solution tailored for teams on the move. Its seamless approach to work order management, preventive maintenance, and inventory control makes it a standout tool for different industries.

    Top 5 Features:

    1. A mobile app that allows technicians to receive, update, and close out work orders from any location.
    2. Real-time updates and notifications that keep everyone informed and responsive.
    3. An asset hierarchy view is needed to clearly understand asset location and status.
    4. An easy-to-use inventory management system that tracks parts and supplies in real-time.
    5. Advanced analytics and reporting tools that help optimize operations and forecast costs.

    Five Benefits:

    1. Improves team productivity with real-time access to maintenance tasks and asset data via mobile.
    2. Promotes proactive maintenance with efficient scheduling to minimize asset downtime and extend life.
    3. Encourages a culture of accountability with comprehensive tracking and reporting.
    4. Streamlines inventory management, ensuring the right parts are available when needed.
    5. Provides insightful data analytics for smarter, data-driven maintenance strategies.

    Two Cons:

    1. While the mobile app is powerful, some complex tasks may still require desktop access.
    2. UpKeep’s rich features and capabilities might exceed the needs and budgets of very small operations.

    Best For:

    Active maintenance teams that demand a highly accessible, mobile solution to stay ahead of maintenance and asset management tasks. These include industries like manufacturing, warehousing, and property management.

    Key Features to Look for in Asset Management Software

    When choosing asset management software, it's important to consider key features that will help you effectively manage your IT assets. Here are some essential features to look for in a good asset management tool.

    • Maintenance Tracking: Maintenance tracking is important for organizations struggling with unplanned downtime and expensive emergency repairs. Keeping a close tab on all maintenance activities helps ensure that your assets are always at peak performance and that no maintenance detail slips through the cracks.
    • User Access Permissions: User access permissions in asset management software reinforce data security and integrity. Controlling who can see, modify, or delete asset data helps you create a secure environment that aligns with your internal controls and compliance requirements.
    • Tracking Asset Usage: Tracking asset usage helps maximize each asset's potential and avoids the pitfalls of underutilization or overuse. Asset management software with dedicated usage tracking helps you understand exactly how and when assets are employed, which is key to informed decision-making.
    • Automated Alerts: Automated alerts in asset management software monitor your assets and notify you of crucial events. This proactive feature ensures you are always ready to take immediate action when necessary.
    • Support for Multiple Languages: Support for multiple languages is a feature that bridges communication gaps within diversified, global teams. Providing multilingual interfaces and documentation ensures that all users can effectively interact with the system.
    • Access via Mobile Devices: Access via mobile devices means your asset data and maintenance schedules move with you, breaking down barriers to productivity. 
    • Tracking and Forecasting Budgets: Tracking and forecasting budgets help ensure that every asset-related expenditure is accounted for and strategically planned to align with broader financial goals.
    • Monitoring Assets in Real Time: Asset monitoring in real-time ensures a live connection to your assets, giving you the power to react instantaneously to any situation.
    • Tracking Asset Locations: Tracking asset locations within asset management software means you have a direct line to every asset's whereabouts. This minimizes the risk of loss and ensures optimal deployment.
    • Managing Asset Disposal: Efficient asset disposal management ensures that you mitigate risk, recoup value, and comply with environmental regulations when it's time to dispose of outdated or non-functional assets.
    • Compatibility with Systems and Integrations: Compatibility with existing systems and the ability to integrate with different tools and platforms ensures that your asset management ecosystem is connected, data flows seamlessly, and you have a unified view of operations.
    • Generating Analytics and Reports: Generating analytics and reports provides actionable insights to drive smarter decision-making. With the right reporting tools, you can transform raw asset data into strategic knowledge.

    Manage Your Assets with Kohezion

    Kohezion offers a unique, no-code online database application builder that empowers you to create custom asset management applications. A solution that is tailored to your unique business needs enables you to track, manage, and report on your assets without needing advanced technical skills. With Kohezion, you can also benefit from the ease of drag-and-drop tools, track check-outs, monitor maintenance schedules, and analyze performance.

    Take control and start managing your assets with the precision and flexibility that Kohezion offers. 


    The right asset management software can turn complexity into clarity, inefficiency into productivity, and data into actionable insights. Each solution here offers unique benefits, tailored features, and specialized approaches to meet your business’s needs. Choosing the right tool is about finding the balance between features, usability, scalability, and cost. 

    Contact us today, and let us help you master your assets. 

    Start building with a free account

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Yes, many asset management software solutions are designed to integrate with existing systems. Look for software that offers API connectivity or pre-built integrations for seamless setup with your current business applications and databases.

    Cloud-based asset management software is often preferred for its accessibility, lower upfront costs, and ease of updates. However, on-premise solutions can offer greater control and security. The best choice depends on your company's specific needs and resources.

    Choose asset management software with robust encryption, user access controls, and two-factor authentication. The software should also have regular security updates, and compliance with relevant data protection regulations to ensure data security.

    Asset management software is necessary to optimize asset tracking, reduce manual errors, improve maintenance, and get insightful analytics. It's particularly valuable for companies with significant assets to manage.

    Not using an asset management solution can lead to increased asset loss, duplicated purchases, inefficient maintenance, and poor asset utilization, which can result in higher costs and reduced productivity.

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